Yahor’s dream

Yahor is only twelve, but his eyes saw and his heart felt things that many of us only want to know about from history textbooks… The boy and his mother came to Lithuania from war-ravaged Ukraine, together with his sister, who recently came of age. All other relatives remained there, in Ukraine. Every day, every moment, coming back here to the temporary home from the hospital is full of longing for real home.
Yahor experienced the impact of oncological disease earlier, successfully overcame the disease and continued to enjoy his childhood. After arriving in Lithuania, the tests carried out showed that the blood cancer had returned. At that time, the boy’s health did not complain at all, but the blood indicators showed something completely different. Here, the endurance-demanding process began to repeat again, only now here in Lithuania – chemotherapy treatment.
There are all kinds of days, but Yahor, like his mother and sister, tries to stay positive and is always happy that there are people around who also believe in miracles. Soon, the hero will be prepared for a bone marrow transplant, and his sister will become his donor, so that all the necessary indicators just coincided identically.
Yahor is a really modest and sensitive child, so the most common way of spending his free time is playing computer games, as well as communicating with friends at a distance. This interest grew even more when the illness returned – the long days in the hospital are really more fun when you can play games.
We heard about Yahoro’s desire to have a new computer adapted for all kinds of games, so we were happy to deliver it. There was a lot of happiness and joy in the boy’s eyes, and how deeply grateful he is to everyone who contributed to the realization of this dream – you can feel it only with your heart and by being close to him… We express our greatest thanks to the people who donated during the GALA charity evening, who contributed to this earthly dream of a hero. We bought Yahor a powerful and exactly the kind of computer he wanted for EUR 1781.07, donated during the “Wonderland” evening.
Yahor, we wish you the fulfillment of your biggest dreams and the greatest strength in overcoming the challenges life throws your way.

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