Information for business

We will make sure that children get the help they need at the right time

    Thank you for your support for seriously ill children

    We invite you to join our growing community and together implement various projects and other initiatives on behalf of seriously ill Lithuanian children. Become a socially responsible business that will not only make little patients happy, but also strengthen the internal culture of your organization. We want to introduce you to the possible forms of assistance for children:

    Charity by allocating X percent of the products and/or services you sell

    The possibility of creating a joint project, during which part of the funds collected for sales could go to a specific child’s story.

    Submit a charity request

    Charity with goods and/or services

    Contribute to our initiatives or events by donating your products and/or services.

    Submit a charity request


    Together, let’s organize joint sports, cultural and other events, gather people into one community and encourage them to contribute to the fund’s activities. You can do this within your own organization or by involving the whole society.
    Submit a charity request

    Cooperation in the implementation of projects

    Contribute to our ongoing projects and initiatives.

    Submit a charity request

    Regular / one-time financial charity

    We invite you to be our supporters by transferring regular / one-time charity to our fund, which will be used to implement various initiatives related to helping seriously ill children.
    Submit a charity request

    Employee volunteering

    Volunteers are the heart of our foundation, they ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the foundation. We invite your company’s employees to join and volunteer during various events by selling the fund’s paraphernalia, introducing people to our activities and possible forms of charity.

    Submit a charity request

    Other forms of charity

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    Want to contribute?

    We often want to do something good, but the question often arises – how? It often takes a lot of time and effort. However, when like-minded people come together for a noble cause, anything is possible.


    +370 699 58 944


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