Clothing for medical workers

Every day, there are not only family members near the little patients, but also the entire staff of medical workers, striving to make the children’s hearts feel as little pain as possible.
We closely cooperate with Santara Clinics, the oncohematology department of the children’s hospital, so when we heard a request that the employees needed to update the work clothes they wear every day, we rushed to help.
Some time ago, selections were made, and the entire team of the department could choose the desired colors and models. And here we are today sharing the most sincere smiles that graced the faces of doctors, nurses and other medical workers when we handed over new outfits!
It is good to know that with the great support of the foundation community, we can contribute to more convenient and comfortable working conditions for those people who spare no time, energy and with great warmth provide assistance to the seriously ill, and are a pillar for parents who are going through a diagnosis of a child’s oncological disease.
We want to sincerely thank all the people who opened their hearts to kindness during the charity concert FOR VICTORY TO LIVE and who donated to implement as many meaningful works and initiatives as possible. We allocated part of your donated funds – 7728 EUR – to buy new clothes for the employees of the oncohematology department. Thank you very much for being there and contributing to the charity.
We send our sincere thanks to Astravita, who especially kindly advised on all the issues that arose and applied a discount to the selected outfits.

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