Only by acting together and sincerely we can implement meaningful ideas that contribute in many ways to the recovery path and well-being of small patients. Sometimes it’s not necessarily expensive treatment or expensive medical equipment, sometimes it’s the simplest things that will make the everyday life of the heroes and their parents easier. We can be happy that we have a close and warm relationship with the families of children under the care of the foundation and everyone who contributes to our activities in one way or another. The mother of one of the small patients told us that she had no place to warm up food for long days in the hospital in Panevėžys. It becomes a really aggravating circumstance every day when the child is not feeling well and there is no convenient and quick way to heat food nearby. So, we arrived at the Panevėžys Infectious Disease Hospital, the children’s department, carrying a microwave oven, so that from now on all mothers could give their strong fighters not only lovingly prepared, but also warm food. We sincerely thank all the people who support the activities of our foundation, who donated to the charity concert FOR VICTORY TO LIVE. We allocated part of your donations – EUR 188.20 – to buy a microwave oven. Thank you for contributing to the path of recovery and a brighter and easier everyday life for little patients! We warmly thank Senukai for the discount and willingness to contribute to this much-needed assistance.
Initiatives and projects
Marija ir Tėja aukoja savo plaukus
Marija ir Tėja – draugės, kurios daugybę dalykų daro kartu. Šį kartą jos sugalvojo prisidėti prie labdaringos fondo veiklos, paaukodamos savo plaukus. Nurėžti ilgai augintas ir prižiūrėtas draugių kasas sutiko specialistės iš Lux22 Virginijos grožio studija! Tariame šiltą ačiū, kad prisidėjote ne tik prie prasmingos iniciatyvos savo profesionaliu darbu, tačiau ir prie nuostabaus Marijos ir Tėjos šukuosenų pokyčio. Mergaitėms dabar devyneri, o geriausiomis draugėmis vieną kitą jos vadina jau šešerius metus! Marija ir Tėja susitiko darželyje. Marijos mama prisimena, kad…
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