Children from Ukraine under the care of the foundation had fun at the kartodrome

Our friendship and fellowship with Ukrainian children, who came to Lithuania for safer refuge, continues. At the beginning of March, we shared the moments of a cozy celebration, during which children of various ages, attending classes organized by the Riešė Christian community, shared their knowledge and impressions.
All war-affected Ukrainian children under the care of our foundation diligently completed the twelve-session course. Each of them was happy not only with the acquired knowledge and stronger spirituality, but also with the fellowship and support they felt every day. Strong and beautiful friendships were established, which from now on bravely face all challenges.
We wanted to give all the children who passed the tutoring course a fun day together and mark the end of another significant milestone. Friends of our foundation KARTLANDAS offered to come to their space and spend the afternoon not only having fun, but also with a friend of speed and adrenaline! Everyone raced on the tracks – some took more time to build up their courage, others went straight away like the wind, but everyone without exception had an amazing time!
We want to say a sincere and huge thank you to KARTLANDAS who welcomed our large company to the kart track and ensured that the children had the most fun and adventurous afternoon. We are glad that you support the activities of our foundation and meaningful projects that bring smiles.
After the intense race on the kart track, we asked the children – what are we going to eat for lunch, what would you like? The answer was clear – the most loved fast food restaurant! So, the fun afternoon continued at McDonalds, where the children, some for the first time, tasted everything they wanted.
For the opportunity to plan and implement this fun day for children, we would like to thank the people who donated to the account specially created by our foundation to help the people of Ukraine. We allocated a part of your donations – 205.64 EUR – to cover the expenses of the afternoon. For lunch, as well as to buy winners’ medals and cups – what’s a race without awards, right?! We want to say a sincere thank you to those who do not remain indifferent to the experiences of others and choose to open their hearts to kindness.

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