We made birds in Kaunas clinics together with young patients and their parents

In Kaunas clinics, the most colorful carolers announce spring even louder. Made by the hands of our little patients – each in their own way, but all without exception with great concentration and care!
This time, Inga Stanienė from ,,Saulės kasos” gathered everyone in the game room of the department for a fun activity. Planning. Decoration. Working in the field of planning and decorating various holidays, she has accumulated a large collection of various materials, feathers, laces, threads, wire and other tools that are perfect for needlework. Thinking that birds are indeed the truest harbingers and symbols of spring and summer, she invited the heroes and their parents to sit at the table together and make birds! The young and older patients of the department got involved in the process, and a little later the parents got involved in the creative process!
Bringing everyone together for a joint activity and spending a cozy afternoon together was really meaningful. We sincerely thank Inga Stanienė, who took the time to share the intricacies of needlework and involved everyone in colorful activities.
Even before starting the workshop, we got stronger! This time, we treated the heroes to everyone’s favorite McDonalds food – children’s sets “Happy Meal”, the name of which every one of our heroes knows, even the smallest one. We also tasted delicious ice cream cocktails and apple pies. We want to be happy that after learning about a beautiful goal and a meaningful activity that creates smiles on the faces of seriously ill children, the McDonald’s team applied a discount to the entire order, thank you!
We sincerely thank all members of the Foundation community who participated and donated during the Gala charity evening. This time, we allocated part of your donations (340.24 EUR) to create a cozy afternoon! All our heroes received personalized gifts after the session – the little ones enjoyed towels and robes with ears and various animals. The older girls enjoyed the fragrant ,,Uoga Uoga” products – body creams, lotions and other body care products. We thank everyone who contributed to the joy of the little patients, the opportunity to leave gloomy thoughts at least for a while and be together.

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